Sunday, May 8, 2011


Happy Mothers day to all you ladies.  To you goes all the praise ! If you were getting paid, you would all deserve a raise ! Without a Mother where would we all be ? Probably all swinging from a tree,  or standing  in front of a judge, copping a plea! YES, to   you we all  owe a gratitude of debt ! Many a times we made you sweat ! But don’t fret ! Today is your SPECIAL DAY ! Three cheers  to you Hip Hip Ho Ray !
So here are chocolates and flowers  because you are one of a kind ! Thank you for the deserving kick to my behind ! If you did  not know I LOVE you with all my heart ! Thank you for giving me life and love and that special gift of life, a brand new start !
You went through pain bringing me  into this world  so full of broken promises, bad dreams and more! Sometimes I just wonder why my mother did that for ? Life should not feel like that at all ! Every day we should be happy and have a ball ! Everyday is a blessing and a special day ! This is the day that the LORD has made,  let us rejoice and be glad in it ! Go outside and in the sun's ray's just chill and sit ! Enjoy the moment of this gift of life, whethere you are alone, with family and friends., or just maybe your hubby or your wife ! Take your Mom out to dinner or do something nice for her on this special day ! Go to church together and to JESUS only pray !   
 Wishing all you mothers a SUPER HAPPY MOTHERS DAY !  

Saturday, May 7, 2011

PATHWAY by Xsighted

Young or Old or in between, we walk down a path called life !  There are many that try and guide us by giving us good or bad advice. Our attitude many times  is “ what do you know ! I am my own person, I run my own show ! "  From there,we bring on our personal grief and strife ! A smart person listens real close when someone gives them advice ! But they sift through the bull to find those nuggets worth more than gold ! People sometimes tell stories that go on and on and never seem to reach a point and never seem to end. Most of the time, it comes directly from a friend !  You don’t want to stop them because they are so,you know,nice ! you don’t want to be so bold ! " 
God has given us all a brain,some are real smart, while others are so lame ! If you are a lame brain ,  It might be do to your drinking or smoking  some stuff ! One or two drinks or hits are never enough !  You must change your attitude and stay away from things that cloud your mind ! Pray to JESUS  he will help you!  He is the greatest of gifts that you will ever find ! Read the Bible through and through, here is GOD telling you what to do ! Now that is the most important words of advice, if I repeated it again, that would be twice ! Read the Bible to follow your earthly path that will lead you to heavens door ! This  is where GOD has all your answers in store ! Thank him for  sending his son to die for you and me ! He took a  terrible  horrible beating ,than  was nailed upon a tree !  He died and  arose upon the 3rd day,many saw him and  down upon their knees they nealed to pray !  He is coming back for us soon, it is time to get your life together , it is time to get in tune ! Pray to GOD to enter your heart and sole ! He will never foresaken you ! JESUS has already paid the heavyest toll !  Believe in JESUS with all your heart.  His precious blood covers all your sins  and transgressions ,he died  for you to give you a brand new start ! Tell him that you believe in his resurrection  and he took on your sin debt and you are going down the path of life in the right direction ! Tell him that their will be no one or no thing  but him that is first in your life ! Not even your husband, children, or wife !  If you follow him in doing it this way,us believers will see you on  rapture resurrection day ! You will never die and live for ever, there is nothing more that I can say, except  THANK YOU  JESUS we should be in awe,neal and pray !   Amen