Sunday, May 8, 2011


Happy Mothers day to all you ladies.  To you goes all the praise ! If you were getting paid, you would all deserve a raise ! Without a Mother where would we all be ? Probably all swinging from a tree,  or standing  in front of a judge, copping a plea! YES, to   you we all  owe a gratitude of debt ! Many a times we made you sweat ! But don’t fret ! Today is your SPECIAL DAY ! Three cheers  to you Hip Hip Ho Ray !
So here are chocolates and flowers  because you are one of a kind ! Thank you for the deserving kick to my behind ! If you did  not know I LOVE you with all my heart ! Thank you for giving me life and love and that special gift of life, a brand new start !
You went through pain bringing me  into this world  so full of broken promises, bad dreams and more! Sometimes I just wonder why my mother did that for ? Life should not feel like that at all ! Every day we should be happy and have a ball ! Everyday is a blessing and a special day ! This is the day that the LORD has made,  let us rejoice and be glad in it ! Go outside and in the sun's ray's just chill and sit ! Enjoy the moment of this gift of life, whethere you are alone, with family and friends., or just maybe your hubby or your wife ! Take your Mom out to dinner or do something nice for her on this special day ! Go to church together and to JESUS only pray !   
 Wishing all you mothers a SUPER HAPPY MOTHERS DAY !  

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