Saturday, February 26, 2011


THE VERDICT IS IN ! by  Xsighted

With JESUS you always win ! You have it all to lose, if you don’t believe in him !
We all get distracted and stray, it is our natural way !
There are choices made, it seems like each second or so !
The devil follow’s us where ever we go !
If we don’t watch out the devil will capture our sole !
If that happens  you have paid the highest toll !
Be careful of those choices you make  and what you say and what  you do.
Let the Holy Spirit speak thru you !
We will never be able to be like JESUS, but we gotta try !
We have to do this  each and everyday ! Everyday til the day we die !!  to be all loving ,
and all caring , is very hard to do ! Things like holding a grudge could bury both of you ! You have to reconcile the situation, at least you gotta try ! Who knows when off this  earth we say goodbye and away we fly! Believe in JESUS and you will live with him forever more ! living in a nansion,  with awesome  gifts galore
He gave his life for you and me ! He died, then arose  on the 3rd day for all to see !
He took on our sins and washed them in his blood so pure ! For everlasting life he is  the only cure !
Believe in JESUS with all your heart and you will get a brand new start,! It is your maker who is tapping at your heart ! He wants to save your sole , before it is too late and  they put you in a hole !  Your sole will either go to  hell or to heaven ! It could happen real quick, without your heart even revving . You do not have to be an Einstein to figure out the best place to go, so
Accept JESUS and your name will be written in the book of life, heaven is a place of peace it’s all love with  no grief or  strife ! There is a mansion waiting with  your name written in gold upon the door !
Or, would you prefer torment everlasting  for all eternity in the firey pit’s of hell ? My understanding is things there are not very swell ! If you have not figured it out,that is why they call it the firey pit ! Your throat will be so dry, you could not even spit !           
So once again ,Answer JESUS and live in heaven forever more ! What are you waiting for ?
For all your problems there is no better answer, whether we are fighting a debilitating disease or cancer !
Call on JESUS ! He is the only honest and true way to heaven with life ever more !
Call on him he is death's cure, the only way thru heavens door !  Finding him is life's biggest score ! 


Saturday, February 19, 2011


REALITY !  by Xsighted
Since I didn’t have any money  in my pocket , I stucked my finger in the light socket !
All of a sudden I got a jult, more powerful than a lightening bolt !
As I laid there upon the floor, I looked up and there was heavens door !
There was a blinking light outside  saying all sinner’s enter here !
Come on in and have a refreshing beer ! So my spirit left my body and strolled inside,
But it was a trap the devil had set, He LIED ! There was no bar or brew !  It was a way the head demon would capture you !It was the way  not the doorway to heaven but the doorway to the pit ! Now I was heading there, where it is so hot I could not even spit ! There is only one way I can avoid this hellish place, I have to cry out loud for my LORDS ALMIGHTY GRACE !
Oh LORD JESUS, help me, set me free, I don’t want to spend all that time with the devil throughout eternity !  I believe that you died for me and arose on the third day ! Dear JESUS, you are the truth, the life and the only way ! I believe that your blood has covered my sins, overcoming  all my indiscressions,
All the glory goes to you Dear JESUS , thank you for all the wins !
With just that little prayer and my name was written in the book of life ! No more worries, grief or strife  
I woke up ! Thank you LORD ! It was only a dream ! It probably was caused by that pizza with  hot peppers, pineapple,anchovies, onions, sausage  pepperoni and that  quart  of chunky monkey ice cream !
What ever I now do will be  done in honoring my KING,JESUS is  RULER, CREATOR  of everything !     
 Amen !

Friday, February 18, 2011

WHAT A LIFE !  by  Xsighted !
I know people who travel around the world looking for  heavenly things !
Investing their last sheckels in earthly things, like gold, diamonds and rings !
All these things soon will come to naught ! Money will not be worth a dam!
All those that still have a buck ,might as well just put it in the garbage can !
The New World Order is on the way, very soon will come upon us the LORDS  judgement day !
Lay up treasures in heaven and not here on earth. Put your stock in heaven , it is all the worth !
The Lord is coming back for us soon ! This is not a message of gloom or doom ! It could be as soon as today, hip hip hurray ! Oh it will be such a glorious day ! ARE YOU READY ?

Friday, February 11, 2011


There are scams galore, too many to mention but here is one coming to my door ! I got an e-mail yesterday, I thought my prayers might be answered hip hip hooray ! It seems that back in May, May 19th to be exact,I got an e-mail that would put me on a new track ! I was going to get seven and a half million from a sweepsteaks from the Micro Soft corporation. My winnings coming from England a different nation. I answered upon receipt of this glorious news. Since that day I have not heard a word, no clues !  That was until yesterday ! It seems that with all that is going on in the world today, my winning somehow got shuffled around, at least that what they had to say ! Do too all the bad things happening in the banking system with terrorism and such, they are sending the cash in 2 sealed boxes, now that is too much ! The bannister in England wants 10% to handle the transaction, he promises it to be to my satisfaction ! I don't have to pay anything up front, I am still trying to figure out what is the stunt ! He sent me 3 pages of lies and hype,promising to call me on my skype ! I don't believe this crap, I will wait for his call, then figure out his trap ! I don't understand how people could be so cruel, taking advantage and trying to fool ! What ever happened to the golden rule ? I probably will never hear another word, this type of scam is really upsurd ! Maybe  the next thing they will tell me is my winnings will be delivered by Big Bird !  

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Man from Rome !

MAN FROM ROME  by Xsighted

I knew a man from Rome, who originally was an Eskimo  from Nome.  
This Eskimo’s name was Joe, to sit on the throne, he sat to  go !
He eaten some pizza and spaghetti and  was getting  ready to go to bed.
Joe took a book to read, going to the potty was not something he did with  speed.
He picked up  War and Peace and read a chapter or two. He started to nod,
When a knock, knock on the door came out of the blue !
He got up opened the door ! And let out a roar !
It was Bruce Springsteen along with his crew !
Eskimo Joe said how do you do, I think I know you !
You are the Boss, I am in awe,  all my words are at a loss !
Clarence was blowing his horn !
 Bruce was singing something about, in the U.S.A being born !
Eskimo Joe thought he had  lost his mind !
 He was in such a rush, forgot to wipe his behind !
Lady Ga Ga was dancing in the nude !
 She was humping and pumping being real crude!
The Black Eyed  Peas chimed right in  !
Then,they in his bathtub they started to swim !
Elvis showed up in his blue suede shoes !
He started  gyrating and singing  jail house blues !
All his neighbors showed up after getting the news !
Just then,Eskimo Joe jumped up and  woke up from his snooze !
Man what a wild dream he said , No more eating  spaghetti and pizza before going to bed !