Saturday, February 19, 2011


REALITY !  by Xsighted
Since I didn’t have any money  in my pocket , I stucked my finger in the light socket !
All of a sudden I got a jult, more powerful than a lightening bolt !
As I laid there upon the floor, I looked up and there was heavens door !
There was a blinking light outside  saying all sinner’s enter here !
Come on in and have a refreshing beer ! So my spirit left my body and strolled inside,
But it was a trap the devil had set, He LIED ! There was no bar or brew !  It was a way the head demon would capture you !It was the way  not the doorway to heaven but the doorway to the pit ! Now I was heading there, where it is so hot I could not even spit ! There is only one way I can avoid this hellish place, I have to cry out loud for my LORDS ALMIGHTY GRACE !
Oh LORD JESUS, help me, set me free, I don’t want to spend all that time with the devil throughout eternity !  I believe that you died for me and arose on the third day ! Dear JESUS, you are the truth, the life and the only way ! I believe that your blood has covered my sins, overcoming  all my indiscressions,
All the glory goes to you Dear JESUS , thank you for all the wins !
With just that little prayer and my name was written in the book of life ! No more worries, grief or strife  
I woke up ! Thank you LORD ! It was only a dream ! It probably was caused by that pizza with  hot peppers, pineapple,anchovies, onions, sausage  pepperoni and that  quart  of chunky monkey ice cream !
What ever I now do will be  done in honoring my KING,JESUS is  RULER, CREATOR  of everything !     
 Amen !

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