Friday, February 11, 2011


There are scams galore, too many to mention but here is one coming to my door ! I got an e-mail yesterday, I thought my prayers might be answered hip hip hooray ! It seems that back in May, May 19th to be exact,I got an e-mail that would put me on a new track ! I was going to get seven and a half million from a sweepsteaks from the Micro Soft corporation. My winnings coming from England a different nation. I answered upon receipt of this glorious news. Since that day I have not heard a word, no clues !  That was until yesterday ! It seems that with all that is going on in the world today, my winning somehow got shuffled around, at least that what they had to say ! Do too all the bad things happening in the banking system with terrorism and such, they are sending the cash in 2 sealed boxes, now that is too much ! The bannister in England wants 10% to handle the transaction, he promises it to be to my satisfaction ! I don't have to pay anything up front, I am still trying to figure out what is the stunt ! He sent me 3 pages of lies and hype,promising to call me on my skype ! I don't believe this crap, I will wait for his call, then figure out his trap ! I don't understand how people could be so cruel, taking advantage and trying to fool ! What ever happened to the golden rule ? I probably will never hear another word, this type of scam is really upsurd ! Maybe  the next thing they will tell me is my winnings will be delivered by Big Bird !  

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