Monday, March 28, 2011

Only 1 Sin is not forgiven ! by Xsighted

THERE IS ONLY ONE SIN  ! by Xsighted
There is one sin that  GOD does not forgive us from
That sin is not repenting from the sin,
 we commit over, over and over again !
We get calose and think what we are doing is not wrong !
But GOD’S word is trying to reach us and it is very strong !
We don’t hear the holy spirit who is yelling  to us ,
But  instead in our mind we seem to scheme and cuss !
It is like we have lost our hearing aid  and after awhile
God’s word does not come thru ! 
It seems we don’t want GOD telling us what to do !
We listen to the devil who tells  us that what we do does  not matter
There is no lie bigger or fatter !
We are told by the LORD  if we don’t repent !
To hell our sole will be sent !
The power of GOD can overcome our sinful nature
And wash  us white as snow !
Open up your ears,  he tells us the way to heaven,
Is a narrow one, not wide, the only way  to go !
If we want to see all of heavens glory,
Believe in him  with all your heart and sole!
If you don’t, you will pay the heavyest toll !
So it is time we repent from the sins that keep us down !
If we don’t to hell we will be sent  deep within the ground !

Sunday, March 27, 2011

SHACKING UP by Xsighted

Sex out of wedlock and shacking up,
 in this evil world ain’t no shock !
Even so called Christians are doing
this dirty deed around the clock !
Sometimes they might put an engagement ring
 on their partners  finger!
Trying to get by with it, but in GOD’S eyes,
 it’sstill a sin and will continue to linger !
Sex out of wedlock ain’t nothing new !
All that participate have believed or not ,
Have   got on board the devils ship,
And joined his sinning crew !
If you want blessing’s and a good life,
You gotta marry that lady or man,
  and make them your husband or  wife !
If you are living with a so called significant other,
You are living  in sin,  my sister or brother !
If he or she does not want to tie the knot ,
If you stick together, chances in hell your sole will  rot !
God tells us that if we sin and pray for forgiveness,
 he will forgive  and anew we win !
But if we  do the same sin over and over ,
In the cesspool of hell we will swim !
To  heaven we will  not make it !
 We will  be on our way into the  deph’s of hell !
This is nothing I made up, in the bible it truly did tell !
When you are living with someone of the opposite sex,
YOU ARE LIVING IN SIN , this is not mime but
This is the bibles’s text !
So confront this situation, and if your partner says no !
You should pack up all your things and away you should go !
The LORD  will find you the right person that you should marry,
Even if this answer is scarry !
God wants you to be happy, fulfilled and to  marry !   

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Christianity is either true salvation, or false and a lie !
Don’t wait to find out on  the day you die !
JESUS FULLFILLED  400 profacies  not one two, three or four !
That is impossible,
Unless  he is the real answer  to enter through  heavens door !  
Everyone has a doctorin on heaven and hell !
It might not be right, so it’s  time to tell !
GOD sent his only begotten son to die for you and me !
As he hung naked upon the tree !
The Roman soldiers cut him no slack !
They tortured him and whipped him upon his back !
He died and arose on the 3rd day for all to see  !
JESUS was sent to hell for all our sins,
He shed his  sinless blood at Calvary.
He covered us in it, so we could enter heaven above.
It covers our sins with JESUS’S  pure sweet love !  
It is time to praise and pray to our SAVIOR, down upon our knees !
Pray this little prayer to him you will truly please !   
 JESUS,How greatful  I am, without you I would be dammed to hell,
Up untill now, my soul to the devil  I did easily sell !   
I believe that  you were born a virgin birth .
You led a sinless life with all it’s worth !
You took away all my sins so I could be heaven bound.
You are the greatest gift that ever  could be found !
I believe in you with all my heart !
You suffered and died for me,
 Thank you JESUS for a brand new start !
If you said that little prayer ,
The door  to heaven is open to you !
 Only if you believe in  JESUS the one so true !
 He is  the only way you get to heaven,
 no matter what other’s say !
Pray to JESUS, today just might be your judgement day !

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Jukebox Jersey Johnny

I knew this dude called Jukebox Jersey Johnny. He grew up down at the shore !
He was the life of every party, he was never a boar !
When he saw a chick he wanted, he would always score !
He made alot of coin doing magic tricks ! If a fight broke out he would be in the mix !
He was drafted into the Army during the Vietnam fiasco. On his Commanding officer breakfast, he poured a ton of tabasco !  He jumped out of his chair, his mouth was on fire, a gallon of water  was the  only thing  this military man would desire ! He put Jukebox up in front of a firing squad and gave the command to shoot ! JBJ said a magic chant and and then he  blew a toot ! He dissapeared, leaving behind only a boot !  Johnny wound up laying on a towel on the Jersey beach. He gave surfing lessons, that was what he decided to teach ! He still surfs and teaches to this very day ! He escaped the horrors of war, there is nothing more I can say !      

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Win every battle !

WIN EVERY BATTLE !   by Xsighted

Fight your battles upon your knees and win them all !
Whether it is internal external, get raised up never  fall !
What ever you are facing , you will win, you will stand real tall !
But before you can stand tall you got to get down upon your knees !
 When we humble ourselves before JESUS, to him we please !
He has the power and the answers ! Whether we are fighting the devil or cancers. He wants to send them to you, through the holy spirit , that dwells within you and can renew !
Just talk and pray to GOD about the situation. He will give you the revelation without condemnation !
So, set time alone  to speak with JESUS ! Then listen to him. You will get the answers  you are searching for and a lot more !
When GOD brings up something that is  going  on in your life, the only way to deal with it without any grief or strife is to give it to him ! Surrender it all ! He is in control ! The  worry,pain or sorrow he can take away ! Thank you LORD ! He gives us this opportunity each and every day !  
Humble yourself before the KING of KINGS the LORD of LORDS down upon your knees !
To the CREATOR of your life you truly will please !
Every battle you will win,win, win ! All you have to  do is get down upon your knees and pray to him !
  Amen !