Sunday, March 13, 2011

Win every battle !

WIN EVERY BATTLE !   by Xsighted

Fight your battles upon your knees and win them all !
Whether it is internal external, get raised up never  fall !
What ever you are facing , you will win, you will stand real tall !
But before you can stand tall you got to get down upon your knees !
 When we humble ourselves before JESUS, to him we please !
He has the power and the answers ! Whether we are fighting the devil or cancers. He wants to send them to you, through the holy spirit , that dwells within you and can renew !
Just talk and pray to GOD about the situation. He will give you the revelation without condemnation !
So, set time alone  to speak with JESUS ! Then listen to him. You will get the answers  you are searching for and a lot more !
When GOD brings up something that is  going  on in your life, the only way to deal with it without any grief or strife is to give it to him ! Surrender it all ! He is in control ! The  worry,pain or sorrow he can take away ! Thank you LORD ! He gives us this opportunity each and every day !  
Humble yourself before the KING of KINGS the LORD of LORDS down upon your knees !
To the CREATOR of your life you truly will please !
Every battle you will win,win, win ! All you have to  do is get down upon your knees and pray to him !
  Amen !         

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