Sunday, March 20, 2011


Christianity is either true salvation, or false and a lie !
Don’t wait to find out on  the day you die !
JESUS FULLFILLED  400 profacies  not one two, three or four !
That is impossible,
Unless  he is the real answer  to enter through  heavens door !  
Everyone has a doctorin on heaven and hell !
It might not be right, so it’s  time to tell !
GOD sent his only begotten son to die for you and me !
As he hung naked upon the tree !
The Roman soldiers cut him no slack !
They tortured him and whipped him upon his back !
He died and arose on the 3rd day for all to see  !
JESUS was sent to hell for all our sins,
He shed his  sinless blood at Calvary.
He covered us in it, so we could enter heaven above.
It covers our sins with JESUS’S  pure sweet love !  
It is time to praise and pray to our SAVIOR, down upon our knees !
Pray this little prayer to him you will truly please !   
 JESUS,How greatful  I am, without you I would be dammed to hell,
Up untill now, my soul to the devil  I did easily sell !   
I believe that  you were born a virgin birth .
You led a sinless life with all it’s worth !
You took away all my sins so I could be heaven bound.
You are the greatest gift that ever  could be found !
I believe in you with all my heart !
You suffered and died for me,
 Thank you JESUS for a brand new start !
If you said that little prayer ,
The door  to heaven is open to you !
 Only if you believe in  JESUS the one so true !
 He is  the only way you get to heaven,
 no matter what other’s say !
Pray to JESUS, today just might be your judgement day !

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