Wednesday, October 20, 2010


COP STOP !   by Xsighted

A cop back in the 70’s, a hippie van he wanted to stop !
He chased and chased after it and finally pulled it over on a mountain top !
He was surprised to see driving  the van was a giant monkey ! The cop was in awe, as it jumped out and climbed high in a tree ! It looked down him and said come and catch me !  Hey pig want to help me smoke this marijuana cigarette, you would love it I bet !  The officer was  stewing , in his mind crazy thoughts were brewing ! The monkey lit up the joint,and blew a smoke ring, Then he started to sing,
The pig below me is dumber than my ding a ling !  dum ding a ling  dum ding a ling, with that the monkey by his tail started to swing ! Come and oink for me you stupid fat pig, out of my vodka bottle I will give you a swig !  A swig for the pig . Just then the branch broke like a little twig ! The monkey fell to the ground, the cop reached  for his taser,  in his pocket he found . He zapped the monkey with 100,000 amps, the monkey started gyrating and his heart started getting cramps! The officer  threw him in the back of his police car, it was all caged in,like in all the stories the cops always win !  He looked at the stoned monkey and said, How about singing me this tune, Jail house rock or how about Folsom Prison Blues, I knew I would get you I never lose ! The monkey said I could make up one  better  than that, I will call it The stinking cop, fat oinking pig,the giant rat. The cop said shut your trap, I will squeeze your head, if I want any more  crap !  So he took that monkey to jail, the monkey was hopeing to post bail ! The next day he stood in front of Judge Ream, who was the leader  of the your honor team. He asked the monkey, what is your name, The monkey  answered Pistle Tane, ask me again and I will tell you the same ! Where do you live came the next question from Judge Ream,The monkey answered here and there, The Judge said “here and there”, the Judge at the obnoxious monkey,  could only stare !  What do you do for a living he then asked the monkey,this and that  was the reply, Lock him up was Judges return reply, the monkey started to sigh, When do I get out, no answer, so he asked once more ! Sooner or later, Judge Ream said with a roar,yep sooner or later, they will open up that jail house door !        

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