Friday, October 22, 2010


HeyMa, what did you say?
 Hey Pa, I said
” it looks like rain today!”
Did you say,
 said Pa, that I was gay?
NO ! said Ma, rain today,
I know said Pa,
I am getting gray !
Rain today, Rain today,
 Ma continued to say !
What, said Pa,
 the cat’s gone astray?
 Ma yelled real loud,
Yep answered Pa ,
 you are a pain, pain, pain !
Pa looked out the window and said,
It Looks like rain !
You got it right said Ma,
you are a pain,pain, pain !
Said Pa,I think
 I will go milk the cow,
before the rain comes down,
 on his face,
  he was not smiling,
 but wearing  a frown !
Pa said,You are
driving me crazy,
 with every word you  speak,
The words you say
 are getting real weak,
You sound  like a  mouse,
 with a terrible squeak !
Ma looked at him and said,
You are getting to old,
 to climb a mountain peak !
What did you say said Pa,
 you gotta take a leak?
My battery went dead,
 in my hearing aid,said Ma,
You want the hoeing spade,
 questioned Pa.
My hearing aid went dead, said Ma !
 your uncle Fred is dead? Answered Pa !  
This went on the whole day long,
 every word they heard was wrong !
That night  they climbed  into the sack,
As they lied there upon their back,
Their hearing was still off track !
Ma said good night,
 see you in the morning,
Outside that  storm is roaring !
Pa answered , you ain’t so bright,
but you are still pretty tight.
making love to you,
 ain’t so boring,
But when you want to do it,
Give me a little warning  !
See you in the morning  !  
Good Night !


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