Thursday, October 21, 2010


Nothin' on TV, nothin worth watchin, nothing worth to see ! I am tired of the news, always seems to  give me the blues ! I can't stand the rankie dirty talk on the sit com shows, most of them really blows ! Who wants to see the criminal and cops fight one another, the cops always win, I am sure you agree my sister and brother ! I am now surfing around, Oh what's this maybe something good I've found ! It's about the End of the World coming soon, I am gonna watch it and write a poem about the gloom and the doom ! Man now that was  interesting I gotta say, Now here is my poem it's called "IT'S FRYDAY!" 2012 is right around the cornor, the show I just watched said it is going to get alot, alot warmer !

IT’S FRYDAY,       by  Xsighted
 Thing’s are ruff out there, It seems that most In charge don’t  seem to give a care ! For some Gloomsday believers, the clock is counting  down ! On your face right now are you wearing a huge smile or  a big old  frown ? I saw a show on t.v. a few minutes ago, about how we all die real soon. That is the coming attraction, a true  message of doom ! The chosen ones are getting ready right now, with condo’s  in cement bunkers deep below the ground ! The reason for this surge in  this new  underground  real estate boom , it’s built not  on fiction but  only the coming fact of the gloom and the doom !  Yes the fact of life as we know it ending real soon ! All those that can not afford to live underground  will fry, and  here is the reason from Nasa  why.
They found a large gapeing hole in our electro magnetical field,or something like that, it would let in the Sun’s  solar flairs  with nothing  there to block it, we lost our shield ! A huge solar storm is heading our way,this could be our frying day !  It would hit all our power grids , shutting off all electric for years, for fixing the problem there would be no need for bids ! Only the chozen will survive here underground.
A better way and  home forever, a mansion, I have found ! I will be in heaven a real place with a brand new body that lives for all eternity, so please listen to me.  A mansion waiting  just for you ,a real place, not just some vapor high in the blue ! What I say is true !
It does not cost a million bucks or  more, it in this real estate market is  the largest score ! All you do is say a little prayer, pray and mean it only if you care ! 
Dear JESUS you died for me, you came back to life to set me free. I believe in you as my GOD ALMIGHTY.
You washed all my sins away, in your precious blood you shed on that cross on Calvary !
I will follow you throughout eternity, thank you LORD for setting me free ! Amen
If you just said  that little prayer, robes in heaven you will surely wear !

Ok it's time to go to sleep, I pray to JESUS my sole to keep !
Good Night !

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