Saturday, April 23, 2011


I pray that I may write  something good, on this our salvation day.
No words could describes  my feeling for you, JESUS.
You are truly, the life and the only way !
No better words in all the universe, that anyone could find or say,
other than we are in awe,so very thankful, for this most glorious and wonderful resurrection day !
You have arisen after being dead and came back to life on the 3rd day !
Truly you are GOD and our all everything ! To you only we should pray !
All we need to do is believe in you with all our heart and sole.
We should repent from all our sins and follow your actions, wherever we go !

JESUS was hung on a cross for us sinners, losers, liars even a  wretch like me,
He gave his life for all of us, so with him we could spend eternity.
All was taken care of when they nailed  JESUS to that tree.
He took first the beating and then torture that was meant for you and me.
Believe in his mighty resurrections and you  too will be set absolutely free !
We are washed in his sinless blood, which covers our sins by the score,
It is time to answer his call, he’s knocking upon your door !
 He defeated death and he is still alive and will come back for us soon !
On that glorious day, we’ll zip around the moon !
We’ll check into our mansions in heaven and walk on streets of gold !
I am  a bible believer in this true story, as in the good book as it was told !
We’ll  live for evermore in glorified bodies that glow,without a single flaw from head to our toe ! No more sickness no more bills or rent ! JESUS paid the price, GOD,  his only son he sent !

We’ll be able to visit the heavens galore. We’ll keep busy, it will be never a bore!
We will be with  GOD JESUS,  always and for ever more ! My GOD, for us, I know you have much more wonderful things in store !
So on this resurrection day, remember the suffering, torture and death JESUS had to pay !  
Keep him in your heart and mind, he is the greatest gift that you will ever find !

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Wacky Jack the Fisherman by Xsighted

Way back in the hills  of West Virginia  there lived a man known as Wacky Jack. He was known as the best fishermen  in the world and that is a true fact ! He got so good  at bringing baskets of fish home, even though other caught none ! He would load his pick-up  truck  up with sack after sack of fish, from sun to sun !  The game warden of the county ask Wacky Jack to take him fishing and show him how he was catching all those fish. So he met with Wacky the very next morning , putting this guy away was the wardens biggest and only wish ! So  out in the middle of the lake on Wacky’s  boat, Wacky stopped the engine and they started to just float ! Instead of Wacky reaching out  to grab a fishin pole, he pulled out a stick of dynamite, lit it up  and through it  in, “Oh my GOD !” said the warden  that is the biggest sin ! The dynamite exploded and hundred’s of fish came floating to the top !  The warden started yelling.,  stop stop stop ! You broke every law federal, state and local laws too, how many years in the pen do you think  you got coming to you ! They are gonna lock you up and put you so far backin the pen, you will never see daylight again ! With that Wacky reached down and grabbed another stick of tnt,he lit the  fuse , and handed it to the Warden  and said full of glee ! “Come join me,Are you fishin, stand up so all on the bank can see ! Or are you gonna  just sit there putting your head up your ass, rapping your  gums about me spending a lifetime in a  penitentiary !                      

Friday, April 8, 2011

Ask a Question !

ASK A QUESTION !   by Xsighted
I asked this question through extensive medication. I mean through meditation.
I have come to my own conclusion and have found the solution ,the answer of this question bugging humans since the begining of time. Yes, this answer is mine ! Maybe I belong in an asylum ! As there is  no denying that fact !  When I found the answer  to this timeless question, it felt like getting  punched  from a  300 pound Llumber Jack! It really is simple   the question was, squeezing that pimple ! The answer is simple  “Don’t squeeze that pimple”. It could leave a pock mark or even a dimple ! The pimple  was really  not the true question.  There so much here to digest,
Follow this closely ,that is my request !  Life is short  and  anyday could be our last !  It seems everyday goes by real fast ! The older we get the faster the days go by. If days had wings they could really fly !
So here is the question that was bugging me ! It has bugged humans throughout eternity !
WHAT IS THE TRUE MEANING OF LIFE?   Many men have asked,as they consulted their wife !
I consulted and found the answer in the bible where the true answer is found. I am glad I found it before they bury me deep within the ground !  We are put here to praise and glorify  our RULER and KING. JESUS is the CREATOR of every gosh darn thing ! We were born and then our body someday will die here on this planet  called earth! Then I found that some will live forever, how much is that worth ? I chased money, glory and fame, I came up short  like most that follow that game ! Man throughout life I was really lame !  We are here to learn lessons , throughout our professions and personal life too !  If you are a JESUS follower, than you know what I say is honest and true ! He laid down his life and shed his precious blood to cover over  our sins.  Do you know anybody else that would take your place and die for you? JESUS did , the sinless one who never lied and was honest and true ! We were put here to spread his almighty word !  Some say that is upsurd .  They would rather pray to a tree or a little bird !
JESUS fulfilled over 400 proficies  in the old testament  alone !   Soon he will reappear and  wisk  us back to our heavenly home !   Our true home is  not here, but  in heaven above, no more problems, only love, love, love !  First you must make him your  SAVIOR, RULER and KING ! When you do this your name will be written in the book of life and the Angels will sing ! Then you are commanded to tell others of  your faith and believing, ! Everytime we do this the Angel’s keep singing ! This is the true meaning for our being ! 

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I heard of a transvestite whose name was Dwight .
On the street she was known as Dee Light ! 
She got that name because ,
She loved to drink beer, her favorite  brand was bud light !
It was winter time  and walking home from the bar, she thought
She would freeze to death and  get frost bite !
A car pulled up and  a voice said  “ Hey honey you  are looking  good,
 You are looking tight ! You are looking  fine, looking ALLRIGHT !”
Jump into my ride and I will drive you home !
Maybe we can spend some time alone !
Dee was full of delight !   This big black man was out of site !
She jumped in his ride, she said  You are a gentlemen,
Thanks for the ride you ended my plight !
His street name was Big Bad Jim, he did not know , she was a him !
They made it to Dee’s  crib and she invited Jim right in !
The love making started right then and there !
While fooling around  Jim  felt something that gave him a scare !
He said you no good s.o.b.  your looks really fooled me !
Now I am gonna beat you within an inch of your life !
I thought you might be a candidate to become my wife !
Dee got scared and scratched him and gave him a bite !
That’s when the gloves came off, it turned into a real cockfight !
Dee  reached under her bed and pulled out a flashlight !

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Your Woman by Xsighted

YOUR WOMAN    by Xsighted
Since the beginning of life  here on earth,
Women got pregnant and came forth with a birth !
They go through pain and suffering  to bring  a baby to life !
Husband’s  thank GOD  that you aren’t  the wife !   
They feed and clean and nurture the child  for many years,
It brings them much happyness and  a tub full of tears !
They are the protectors  of that child,
 from evil in this world that abounds .
On their heads, gentlemen on your queen put a crown !
Not only do they take on this challenge, they take care of us too !
Thank JESUS for bringing the right one to you !
They clean our house,wash our clothes and cook our  meals,
When we take them out they look real good in their high high heals !
When making love we hear the delight in their squeals  !
They keep us together, they are the spoke in our wheels !
If GOD created anything better than a woman ,
He kept it for himself,   
Put your woman  high upon a pedestal or higher upon a shelf !
She is the greatest gift from GOD, she is the greatest of wealth !