Saturday, April 16, 2011

Wacky Jack the Fisherman by Xsighted

Way back in the hills  of West Virginia  there lived a man known as Wacky Jack. He was known as the best fishermen  in the world and that is a true fact ! He got so good  at bringing baskets of fish home, even though other caught none ! He would load his pick-up  truck  up with sack after sack of fish, from sun to sun !  The game warden of the county ask Wacky Jack to take him fishing and show him how he was catching all those fish. So he met with Wacky the very next morning , putting this guy away was the wardens biggest and only wish ! So  out in the middle of the lake on Wacky’s  boat, Wacky stopped the engine and they started to just float ! Instead of Wacky reaching out  to grab a fishin pole, he pulled out a stick of dynamite, lit it up  and through it  in, “Oh my GOD !” said the warden  that is the biggest sin ! The dynamite exploded and hundred’s of fish came floating to the top !  The warden started yelling.,  stop stop stop ! You broke every law federal, state and local laws too, how many years in the pen do you think  you got coming to you ! They are gonna lock you up and put you so far backin the pen, you will never see daylight again ! With that Wacky reached down and grabbed another stick of tnt,he lit the  fuse , and handed it to the Warden  and said full of glee ! “Come join me,Are you fishin, stand up so all on the bank can see ! Or are you gonna  just sit there putting your head up your ass, rapping your  gums about me spending a lifetime in a  penitentiary !                      

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