Friday, April 8, 2011

Ask a Question !

ASK A QUESTION !   by Xsighted
I asked this question through extensive medication. I mean through meditation.
I have come to my own conclusion and have found the solution ,the answer of this question bugging humans since the begining of time. Yes, this answer is mine ! Maybe I belong in an asylum ! As there is  no denying that fact !  When I found the answer  to this timeless question, it felt like getting  punched  from a  300 pound Llumber Jack! It really is simple   the question was, squeezing that pimple ! The answer is simple  “Don’t squeeze that pimple”. It could leave a pock mark or even a dimple ! The pimple  was really  not the true question.  There so much here to digest,
Follow this closely ,that is my request !  Life is short  and  anyday could be our last !  It seems everyday goes by real fast ! The older we get the faster the days go by. If days had wings they could really fly !
So here is the question that was bugging me ! It has bugged humans throughout eternity !
WHAT IS THE TRUE MEANING OF LIFE?   Many men have asked,as they consulted their wife !
I consulted and found the answer in the bible where the true answer is found. I am glad I found it before they bury me deep within the ground !  We are put here to praise and glorify  our RULER and KING. JESUS is the CREATOR of every gosh darn thing ! We were born and then our body someday will die here on this planet  called earth! Then I found that some will live forever, how much is that worth ? I chased money, glory and fame, I came up short  like most that follow that game ! Man throughout life I was really lame !  We are here to learn lessons , throughout our professions and personal life too !  If you are a JESUS follower, than you know what I say is honest and true ! He laid down his life and shed his precious blood to cover over  our sins.  Do you know anybody else that would take your place and die for you? JESUS did , the sinless one who never lied and was honest and true ! We were put here to spread his almighty word !  Some say that is upsurd .  They would rather pray to a tree or a little bird !
JESUS fulfilled over 400 proficies  in the old testament  alone !   Soon he will reappear and  wisk  us back to our heavenly home !   Our true home is  not here, but  in heaven above, no more problems, only love, love, love !  First you must make him your  SAVIOR, RULER and KING ! When you do this your name will be written in the book of life and the Angels will sing ! Then you are commanded to tell others of  your faith and believing, ! Everytime we do this the Angel’s keep singing ! This is the true meaning for our being ! 

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