Saturday, April 23, 2011


I pray that I may write  something good, on this our salvation day.
No words could describes  my feeling for you, JESUS.
You are truly, the life and the only way !
No better words in all the universe, that anyone could find or say,
other than we are in awe,so very thankful, for this most glorious and wonderful resurrection day !
You have arisen after being dead and came back to life on the 3rd day !
Truly you are GOD and our all everything ! To you only we should pray !
All we need to do is believe in you with all our heart and sole.
We should repent from all our sins and follow your actions, wherever we go !

JESUS was hung on a cross for us sinners, losers, liars even a  wretch like me,
He gave his life for all of us, so with him we could spend eternity.
All was taken care of when they nailed  JESUS to that tree.
He took first the beating and then torture that was meant for you and me.
Believe in his mighty resurrections and you  too will be set absolutely free !
We are washed in his sinless blood, which covers our sins by the score,
It is time to answer his call, he’s knocking upon your door !
 He defeated death and he is still alive and will come back for us soon !
On that glorious day, we’ll zip around the moon !
We’ll check into our mansions in heaven and walk on streets of gold !
I am  a bible believer in this true story, as in the good book as it was told !
We’ll  live for evermore in glorified bodies that glow,without a single flaw from head to our toe ! No more sickness no more bills or rent ! JESUS paid the price, GOD,  his only son he sent !

We’ll be able to visit the heavens galore. We’ll keep busy, it will be never a bore!
We will be with  GOD JESUS,  always and for ever more ! My GOD, for us, I know you have much more wonderful things in store !
So on this resurrection day, remember the suffering, torture and death JESUS had to pay !  
Keep him in your heart and mind, he is the greatest gift that you will ever find !

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