Thursday, November 18, 2010

Grace is Back ! by Xsighted

GRACE IS BACK !  By Xsighted

Grace had gone to the widower’s home. He was all alone with a broken bone! Before Grace got there she was trying to figure out how to make a clone of her own! What do I need to add to this miracle cure to double him up and take one home? I know a couple of changes I have to make, before this clone I start to make! Grace put in a little of this and  that. She had no bats eyes, so she used a rat ! She added in her chicken fat ! The main ingredient added to the white lightning  corn was additional bulls seimen ! Yep,a whole glass full, it was donated by a very happy bull !  She added in a studs pee ! There were a lot more ingredients to much to hear and to mention !  Telling you of them is not my intention !  Grace took that miracle elixir and fixed the widowers  broken bone ! Grace was with him all alone ! She  fixed up the widowers   sex drive, it made him feel young, happy and alive !  He was  as happy as one person can be ! That’s why the next thing  that happened was done  intentionally !
He could not handle all the  sexual action that Grace was giving him ! He needed to split and make a clone twin ! It only took a second or two,! In a flash,  The new cloned widower was  nailing Grace too !
Now that brings you up to date, it’s later and Grace is in her buggy with her date ! She pulled her buggy up to Ma and Pa’s  gate ! The sun went down. It was getting late ! Her buggy was not being drawn by her horse, she had a new pulling source ! It was the widower who wore the rains and had a bit in his mouth!When he talked, he whinnied,  like a horse from the very deep south !
A knock came on Ma and Pa’s door ! Not now ! Pa thought , just when I am ready to score ! Ma was as happy as could be ! There is someone finally here to rescue and set her FREE !  It seemed like ages since Pa doubled himself ! I would like to put his clone away, uphigh on the very top shelf ! As  Ma opened the door, she saw it was Grace, the pig face ! out of Ma’s eyes the water started to pour !  She told Grace  that Pa was having so much fun, Pa split in two down the top of his head, right down through his buns !
Ma said she closed her eyes and when she opened them there were two Pa’s  standing their, both started chasing her around the kitchen chair ! Ma told Grace I would not care if I were twenty or so !
Having the same two Pa’s would set my heart aglow ! But I am going  to have a birthday real soon!
I will be  seventy years old next June ! I sure am not at my sexual peak ! As a matter of fact with two Pa’s chasing me around , I feel real weak !  When it comes to sex, I  fall real flat !  Yes and I almost broke my neck and back ! How did that happen asked Grace ? Well said Ma, it goes like this ! While  you were gone from here  those two wild men built this thing, for gratification it surely would bring ! Over our bed they built a combination trampoline and swing !  How did you like it asked Grace ? Ma answered , “You truly are a ding a ling “ !   I need you to find a cure for these double Pa’s . You got to keep it  inside the laws ! I don’t know how long I will be able to wash out the stains in their underware !  One was bad enough  with two, I am thinking , who cares ! Let them clean up their own mess  that they make !  That might help me and give me a break !  It’s  still going to be  like double work for me ! Honestly !  Now I got two men  that miss the toilet when they have to pee !      

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