Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hillbillie Thanksgivin'

Way back in the hills they also celebrate Thanksgiving,
So poor, back there it hard to make a living !
Hill Billie Freddy’s wife who name was Beddy, were getting their meal ready !
What’s that delicious smell he asked his wife, It smells so good, I want to eat it and cut it with my knife !
Her answer came as quick as could be,  it could be a number of things, it’s a lot  more than three !
It could be that stuffed possum with giblet jackass gravey,  or maybe those mashed  beans I think they are called Navy ! No that is not it said  Freddy,maybe it is this, answered Beddy, It is probably that goat ball deep dish pie,with that coon skin wrapping,piled real high !  Or it could be that bat eye soup,  I made enough for an entire troupe ! No he answered I know that smell, What is it? I still can’t tell !  Could it be that mystery road kill meat, No, said Fred, that has a smell so sweet !  How about the chipmunk cookies so fresh she said, no was the  reply from hungry mountaineer Fred. I can’t put my finger on it,I could eat the whole thing ! it has a  zip and a zing.  I know said Beddy,it smells real good,What is that thing ? Then walked into the room ,their cat named Boom, licking it’s paws the way it would groom !  The odor filled the air, at boom they could only stare . He went from here to there !  He fell down the outhouse hole, chasing a rat, now he is on the Thanksgiving  table in the main serving  bowl ! Be THANKFUL for what you got to eat on this ThanksGiving Day ! I hope it is not your pet, what more can I say ! I hope  you have a big turkey, ham,or lamb. With veggies galore fresh from the garden, for an extra flavor add some spam !Not the kind that comes to your e-mail, the one in a can, man oh man ! Just think how lucky we are not there yet !Who know’s how long, time to sweat ! The economy is in the potty, if I was a drinker I would like a toddy ! I was  reading in the book of Kings about similar things ! A seized city where life was so bad it was a terrible pity ! There was no food anywhere to be found, ! For three days wages here is what you could get ! A handful of pigeon poop ! Direct from the koop ! Now if you saved up three months wages you had a real treat in store a Jack Ass’s head , yum yum, I can’t say more ! For six month’s wages you could get the head of a boar ! It was so bad that people were eating their babies, one after another, now that’s real hunger my sister and brother ! So pray to JESUS for his magnificent return before it happens again !  You are all invited to be a very close friend !  Accept JESUS and your mansion will be close to mine ! We will spend some time together, we will have all the time !            

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