Saturday, December 11, 2010

My Buddy !  by Xsighted
 Ihad a friend who was given a lot of money. Given to him to make his day’s more sunny !  It was gift to him by another,not a close friend, nor a brother ! Mr Millionaire was someone who he  just talked to about his cat. By himself, this mogle, around his small apartment  just  sat ! Yep, him and his cat !   He was a rich guy who had no friends at all ! To my buddy, when he got lonely, he would  just call. This man’s life was sad and empty and all alone  ! He was so tight, If you were a starving dog,  he would not throw you a bone ! When he died, no one was there and no one cried  !
My so called friend  bought a yacht and  a corvette . He got these things from the inheritance without any sweat !  He soon  forgot about his  friends  that he had  known  for years and years. His promises of sharing his good fortune  and his  self centered  attitude,  could bring on some tears ! After  his ship came in, he would not throw you a life preserver if you fell in and could not swim ! He has  became like the millionaire  who left him all that money, it’s not very funny !   He tells everyone that he is a  self made  millionaire. About anyone else in this world, but himself,  he does not  give a single care ! He is his own island in the sun. If you asked  for some help, away he would run ! He does not need anyone in his life !  He has no real friends, never has  taken a wife !  In his mind  he was now an important personality ! He has gotten  so self centered and very greedy, a real s.o.b. ! When his time on earth is over, he will end up like his donor, a real loner ! No one will even care ! Then it would be a little late for him to enjoy his life and  to  share ! He probably will leave his fortune  to  his dog and cat, his only friends,who both sit on his lap ! He let his bread turn his head ! Money does not mean  a thing when you are dead ! This is a true story,nothing more about Mister  Wonderful can be said !         

Friday, December 10, 2010

Jackass for Din !

JACKASS  by  Xsighted

According to the Government food and drug administration ,Jack Ass’s are  being sold at an alarming  rate, all across the nation ! I’ts being served somewhere in each and every state ! Is JACKASS winding up on your plate ? I really think you have to  start  to worry !  Coming soon to your meat case, JACKASS  spiced with curry ! I think a lot of JACKASS’S  are just winding up as pets  ! So when Dec 21, 2012 arrives, people can kiss their very own ass good bye !
More at 

Monday, December 6, 2010

JackAss on the Table !

JACKASS  by  Xsighted

According to the Government food and drug administration ,Jack Ass’s are  being sold at an alarming  rate, all across the nation ! I’ts being served somewhere in each and every state ! Is JACKASS winding up on your plate ? I really think you have to  start  to worry !  Coming soon to your meat case, JACKASS  spiced with curry ! I think a lot of JACKASS’S  are just winding up as pets  ! So when Dec 21, 2012 arrives, people can kiss their very own ass good bye !
More at 

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Just Waitin on the Sacrefice !

I am just waiting for the sacreficial bird ! Just waiting for the dinner bell to be heard ! Over forty million Turkey's went to birdy heaven ! I understand accordind to the news ! There will be more dark and white meat from all those turkeys from which to choose ! More turkey being gobbled than ever before ! Turkey dinners for all from the rich to the poor ! I thank GOD for my Thanksgiving dinner, I know it will be a real winner ! Teddy dog  is asleep on my lap, sound asleep, taking a nap ! He is a poodle we got from the pound. He is a good dog, he hardly makes a sound ! He will only poo and pee on our property. He has his favorite tree ! Since we rescued him he is as happy as could be ! I better go in the kitchen and at least offer a hand. I can still see enough to do a few things, if I don't offer, life might not be so grand ! Happy Thanksgiving to one and all ! I hope  you enjoy your Thanksgiving day and have a ball ! Just remember who we owe all the thanks and glory too ! It is the sinless one who is honest and true ! May GOD JESUS BLESS YOU !   

Hillbillie Thanksgivin'

Way back in the hills they also celebrate Thanksgiving,
So poor, back there it hard to make a living !
Hill Billie Freddy’s wife who name was Beddy, were getting their meal ready !
What’s that delicious smell he asked his wife, It smells so good, I want to eat it and cut it with my knife !
Her answer came as quick as could be,  it could be a number of things, it’s a lot  more than three !
It could be that stuffed possum with giblet jackass gravey,  or maybe those mashed  beans I think they are called Navy ! No that is not it said  Freddy,maybe it is this, answered Beddy, It is probably that goat ball deep dish pie,with that coon skin wrapping,piled real high !  Or it could be that bat eye soup,  I made enough for an entire troupe ! No he answered I know that smell, What is it? I still can’t tell !  Could it be that mystery road kill meat, No, said Fred, that has a smell so sweet !  How about the chipmunk cookies so fresh she said, no was the  reply from hungry mountaineer Fred. I can’t put my finger on it,I could eat the whole thing ! it has a  zip and a zing.  I know said Beddy,it smells real good,What is that thing ? Then walked into the room ,their cat named Boom, licking it’s paws the way it would groom !  The odor filled the air, at boom they could only stare . He went from here to there !  He fell down the outhouse hole, chasing a rat, now he is on the Thanksgiving  table in the main serving  bowl ! Be THANKFUL for what you got to eat on this ThanksGiving Day ! I hope it is not your pet, what more can I say ! I hope  you have a big turkey, ham,or lamb. With veggies galore fresh from the garden, for an extra flavor add some spam !Not the kind that comes to your e-mail, the one in a can, man oh man ! Just think how lucky we are not there yet !Who know’s how long, time to sweat ! The economy is in the potty, if I was a drinker I would like a toddy ! I was  reading in the book of Kings about similar things ! A seized city where life was so bad it was a terrible pity ! There was no food anywhere to be found, ! For three days wages here is what you could get ! A handful of pigeon poop ! Direct from the koop ! Now if you saved up three months wages you had a real treat in store a Jack Ass’s head , yum yum, I can’t say more ! For six month’s wages you could get the head of a boar ! It was so bad that people were eating their babies, one after another, now that’s real hunger my sister and brother ! So pray to JESUS for his magnificent return before it happens again !  You are all invited to be a very close friend !  Accept JESUS and your mansion will be close to mine ! We will spend some time together, we will have all the time !            

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I died with JESUS

I DIED WITH JESUS  by Xsighted
I died with JESUS,now he resides in me ! I am one happy fella, I am as happy as could be !  He has restored my soul, he paid a hellatious toll ! He died  for you and me ! He made it possible to live forever throughout eternity !  JESUS is coming back for us soon ! Don’t miss your chance to wiz around the moon  ! This is a message of LIFE not gloom or doom ! Just say this little prayer and  you will be written in Heaven ‘s book of life !  Imagine a body that is perfect in everyway, sharper than a knife ! A body that never gets sick or ill, we will be in JESUS’S perfect will !  Things will only be heavenly, when it is your time to go on your journey,  to see your Dad ! Are you ready to see him , honestly now, would you be happy or sad ? I only know one thing, I would be as happy as could be, being raptured up as quick as could be  ! The MIGHTY LORD JESUS coming after me ! Just follow this little prayer and you will be there at this life changing event ! No more worries about food or rent ! Live in a mansion not a leaky tent !
Dear LORD JESUS, I believe that you are GOD ALMIGHTY, LORD and KING. CREATOR of everything ! I believed  you died for me !  You have set me free !  You arose from the dead on the third day ! You are alive  once again , that’s why to you we should pray ! Amen !
See how easy it is to receive the gift of life everlasting at JESUS’S side ! Being with him on our horses we will ride and ride ! Living for ever with JESUS my KING, nothing  but Happiness  he will only bring!      

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Honky Donkey & Konklin Koon !

The HONKY DONKEY and KONKLIN the KOON   by  Xsighted
It was another jamming Saturday night, full of music and delight ! It was rock and roll at it’s best ! All the animals wanted to dance and never rest !  The band was playing some of the oldies from the sixties and seventies, the heart of rock and roll time ! When Konklin the Coon showed up to this party to commit a crime ! He did not have to wear a mask, he had a permenent one around his eyes, in his jean pocket he carried a cold steel surprise  !  He wanted to get the animals to play some rap ! Most of the animals, thought that was just crap ! The rooster named Brewster went after the gun toten Koon ! They rolled out of the barn and into the full moon ! Brewster was the baddest rooster ! He was the guardian of this barn yard managerie ! He could usually take care of trouble, quickly and easily !  But Konklin the Koon  was strappen that day, he would put a cap in you ! He was not out to play ! He put one in  Brewster and laid him out dead ! He pointed his piece at Honkey the Donkey, then jumped on his back and away they sped !
Honky knew that  if he did not run quickly,  a bullet he would have in his head !  You did not want to play with Krazy Konklin Koon ! He turned out to be a real looney tune ! He was rabid and as scarey as could be ! Be carefull and listen to me  ! Yes, listen real close , Do not  Mess with him ! Only do it if you dare ! He has  a very deadly stare ! He would put a bullet in you, that’s honest and true ! This Koon was a killer , mess with him and he would put you in a very cold  chiller !
The Honkey Donkey got down on his knee’s  saying  PLEASE ! PLEASE ! PLEASE ! He liked to see this Krazy Konklin Koon  hung up high, and upside down by his knees, knees, knees   !  Then he would kick him , as many times as he please, please, please ! The rabid Koon  was getting ready to put Honkey in the ground ! Honky’s heart was starting to pound, pound, pound !
All of a sudden came through a megaphone, a message from the Pigs , part of their uniform , Elvis styled wigs ! WEEeee ! WEEeee ! WEEeee !  have surrounded you,Konklin Koon ! There is nothing you can do or say  ! This is your JUDGEMENT DAY ! Konklin replied,Get out of here I said or the Honky Donkey will be a donkey fry ! Leave now or he surely will die !
Give up now yelled the pigs ,”Who cares  ! Just another donkey hits the dirt ! Who gives a squirt !
We are gonna get you sooner or later, I am going to send in my pet aligator !  Porkus was the main Pot Belly Pig. Porkus somehow wound up with a  blondish , reddish Elvis wig !   Porkus the Pot Belly pig , like to nip alittle , he would like to take a swig !       
 Porkus sent his Jewish alligator, Moisha  the iniilator  after that Killin’Krazy, Koon !
 He ate that koon up in  one bite ! But that was not his favorite delight ! He devoured the Honky Donkey ! He loved  eating  that ass so much, to walk, Moisha the Aligator had to use a crutch !  So now there are three dead animals  all over some stupid  rap music fight ! All that happened goes to the devil’s delight !
After all these years , Rock and Roll Music  is still the best !Nothing comes close, it could make you smile, and make you feel your best ! So If a Koon like Krazy Konklin comes your way rappin’ and rappin’and jawing  about rap music  and it’s acalades, just turn him down in spades !        

Friday, November 19, 2010

Now I see by Xsighted

FRIDAY ta Day !
Today is Friday ! Hip hip hooray ! for most of us ahead a weekend of fun and playfull delight ! Knowing things are getting better, they soon will be out of sight ! That was not a pun, From this blind guy, me ! Who writes in poetry ! I have limited visibility, but I can clearly see ! I can make you laugh or maybe just get a chuckle out of you, I can get you laughing and informed with a great how do you do ! !I hope you spend this weekend with someone you love and adore !For their sadness Share this blog with them it is a funny real honest to goodness laughable score ! You got to check out the archives to laugh alot more !

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Grace is Back ! by Xsighted

GRACE IS BACK !  By Xsighted

Grace had gone to the widower’s home. He was all alone with a broken bone! Before Grace got there she was trying to figure out how to make a clone of her own! What do I need to add to this miracle cure to double him up and take one home? I know a couple of changes I have to make, before this clone I start to make! Grace put in a little of this and  that. She had no bats eyes, so she used a rat ! She added in her chicken fat ! The main ingredient added to the white lightning  corn was additional bulls seimen ! Yep,a whole glass full, it was donated by a very happy bull !  She added in a studs pee ! There were a lot more ingredients to much to hear and to mention !  Telling you of them is not my intention !  Grace took that miracle elixir and fixed the widowers  broken bone ! Grace was with him all alone ! She  fixed up the widowers   sex drive, it made him feel young, happy and alive !  He was  as happy as one person can be ! That’s why the next thing  that happened was done  intentionally !
He could not handle all the  sexual action that Grace was giving him ! He needed to split and make a clone twin ! It only took a second or two,! In a flash,  The new cloned widower was  nailing Grace too !
Now that brings you up to date, it’s later and Grace is in her buggy with her date ! She pulled her buggy up to Ma and Pa’s  gate ! The sun went down. It was getting late ! Her buggy was not being drawn by her horse, she had a new pulling source ! It was the widower who wore the rains and had a bit in his mouth!When he talked, he whinnied,  like a horse from the very deep south !
A knock came on Ma and Pa’s door ! Not now ! Pa thought , just when I am ready to score ! Ma was as happy as could be ! There is someone finally here to rescue and set her FREE !  It seemed like ages since Pa doubled himself ! I would like to put his clone away, uphigh on the very top shelf ! As  Ma opened the door, she saw it was Grace, the pig face ! out of Ma’s eyes the water started to pour !  She told Grace  that Pa was having so much fun, Pa split in two down the top of his head, right down through his buns !
Ma said she closed her eyes and when she opened them there were two Pa’s  standing their, both started chasing her around the kitchen chair ! Ma told Grace I would not care if I were twenty or so !
Having the same two Pa’s would set my heart aglow ! But I am going  to have a birthday real soon!
I will be  seventy years old next June ! I sure am not at my sexual peak ! As a matter of fact with two Pa’s chasing me around , I feel real weak !  When it comes to sex, I  fall real flat !  Yes and I almost broke my neck and back ! How did that happen asked Grace ? Well said Ma, it goes like this ! While  you were gone from here  those two wild men built this thing, for gratification it surely would bring ! Over our bed they built a combination trampoline and swing !  How did you like it asked Grace ? Ma answered , “You truly are a ding a ling “ !   I need you to find a cure for these double Pa’s . You got to keep it  inside the laws ! I don’t know how long I will be able to wash out the stains in their underware !  One was bad enough  with two, I am thinking , who cares ! Let them clean up their own mess  that they make !  That might help me and give me a break !  It’s  still going to be  like double work for me ! Honestly !  Now I got two men  that miss the toilet when they have to pee !      

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

RAT RACE by Xsighted

RAT RACE ! by  Xsighted
It seems like everyday we are in a race !  A rat race to the cheese ! Follow this thaught  process if you can, please ! Policy after Policy and stupid as can be ! The Government has us going nutzy as could be ! Some people swear that our own government might do us in ! The chozen will survive this catastrophe, but not you or me ! We will be the ones like JESUS, hanging on a tree !  We will be the ones taking it hard upon the chin ! But we will live forever more, with JESUS we win !  He will be back for us real soon ! On that day we will be singing a happy tune !  Till that glorious  day, pray to keep the devil away !  Amen

Friday, October 22, 2010


HeyMa, what did you say?
 Hey Pa, I said
” it looks like rain today!”
Did you say,
 said Pa, that I was gay?
NO ! said Ma, rain today,
I know said Pa,
I am getting gray !
Rain today, Rain today,
 Ma continued to say !
What, said Pa,
 the cat’s gone astray?
 Ma yelled real loud,
Yep answered Pa ,
 you are a pain, pain, pain !
Pa looked out the window and said,
It Looks like rain !
You got it right said Ma,
you are a pain,pain, pain !
Said Pa,I think
 I will go milk the cow,
before the rain comes down,
 on his face,
  he was not smiling,
 but wearing  a frown !
Pa said,You are
driving me crazy,
 with every word you  speak,
The words you say
 are getting real weak,
You sound  like a  mouse,
 with a terrible squeak !
Ma looked at him and said,
You are getting to old,
 to climb a mountain peak !
What did you say said Pa,
 you gotta take a leak?
My battery went dead,
 in my hearing aid,said Ma,
You want the hoeing spade,
 questioned Pa.
My hearing aid went dead, said Ma !
 your uncle Fred is dead? Answered Pa !  
This went on the whole day long,
 every word they heard was wrong !
That night  they climbed  into the sack,
As they lied there upon their back,
Their hearing was still off track !
Ma said good night,
 see you in the morning,
Outside that  storm is roaring !
Pa answered , you ain’t so bright,
but you are still pretty tight.
making love to you,
 ain’t so boring,
But when you want to do it,
Give me a little warning  !
See you in the morning  !  
Good Night !


Thursday, October 21, 2010


Nothin' on TV, nothin worth watchin, nothing worth to see ! I am tired of the news, always seems to  give me the blues ! I can't stand the rankie dirty talk on the sit com shows, most of them really blows ! Who wants to see the criminal and cops fight one another, the cops always win, I am sure you agree my sister and brother ! I am now surfing around, Oh what's this maybe something good I've found ! It's about the End of the World coming soon, I am gonna watch it and write a poem about the gloom and the doom ! Man now that was  interesting I gotta say, Now here is my poem it's called "IT'S FRYDAY!" 2012 is right around the cornor, the show I just watched said it is going to get alot, alot warmer !

IT’S FRYDAY,       by  Xsighted
 Thing’s are ruff out there, It seems that most In charge don’t  seem to give a care ! For some Gloomsday believers, the clock is counting  down ! On your face right now are you wearing a huge smile or  a big old  frown ? I saw a show on t.v. a few minutes ago, about how we all die real soon. That is the coming attraction, a true  message of doom ! The chosen ones are getting ready right now, with condo’s  in cement bunkers deep below the ground ! The reason for this surge in  this new  underground  real estate boom , it’s built not  on fiction but  only the coming fact of the gloom and the doom !  Yes the fact of life as we know it ending real soon ! All those that can not afford to live underground  will fry, and  here is the reason from Nasa  why.
They found a large gapeing hole in our electro magnetical field,or something like that, it would let in the Sun’s  solar flairs  with nothing  there to block it, we lost our shield ! A huge solar storm is heading our way,this could be our frying day !  It would hit all our power grids , shutting off all electric for years, for fixing the problem there would be no need for bids ! Only the chozen will survive here underground.
A better way and  home forever, a mansion, I have found ! I will be in heaven a real place with a brand new body that lives for all eternity, so please listen to me.  A mansion waiting  just for you ,a real place, not just some vapor high in the blue ! What I say is true !
It does not cost a million bucks or  more, it in this real estate market is  the largest score ! All you do is say a little prayer, pray and mean it only if you care ! 
Dear JESUS you died for me, you came back to life to set me free. I believe in you as my GOD ALMIGHTY.
You washed all my sins away, in your precious blood you shed on that cross on Calvary !
I will follow you throughout eternity, thank you LORD for setting me free ! Amen
If you just said  that little prayer, robes in heaven you will surely wear !

Ok it's time to go to sleep, I pray to JESUS my sole to keep !
Good Night !

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


COP STOP !   by Xsighted

A cop back in the 70’s, a hippie van he wanted to stop !
He chased and chased after it and finally pulled it over on a mountain top !
He was surprised to see driving  the van was a giant monkey ! The cop was in awe, as it jumped out and climbed high in a tree ! It looked down him and said come and catch me !  Hey pig want to help me smoke this marijuana cigarette, you would love it I bet !  The officer was  stewing , in his mind crazy thoughts were brewing ! The monkey lit up the joint,and blew a smoke ring, Then he started to sing,
The pig below me is dumber than my ding a ling !  dum ding a ling  dum ding a ling, with that the monkey by his tail started to swing ! Come and oink for me you stupid fat pig, out of my vodka bottle I will give you a swig !  A swig for the pig . Just then the branch broke like a little twig ! The monkey fell to the ground, the cop reached  for his taser,  in his pocket he found . He zapped the monkey with 100,000 amps, the monkey started gyrating and his heart started getting cramps! The officer  threw him in the back of his police car, it was all caged in,like in all the stories the cops always win !  He looked at the stoned monkey and said, How about singing me this tune, Jail house rock or how about Folsom Prison Blues, I knew I would get you I never lose ! The monkey said I could make up one  better  than that, I will call it The stinking cop, fat oinking pig,the giant rat. The cop said shut your trap, I will squeeze your head, if I want any more  crap !  So he took that monkey to jail, the monkey was hopeing to post bail ! The next day he stood in front of Judge Ream, who was the leader  of the your honor team. He asked the monkey, what is your name, The monkey  answered Pistle Tane, ask me again and I will tell you the same ! Where do you live came the next question from Judge Ream,The monkey answered here and there, The Judge said “here and there”, the Judge at the obnoxious monkey,  could only stare !  What do you do for a living he then asked the monkey,this and that  was the reply, Lock him up was Judges return reply, the monkey started to sigh, When do I get out, no answer, so he asked once more ! Sooner or later, Judge Ream said with a roar,yep sooner or later, they will open up that jail house door !        

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Xsighted ME !

Xsighted ME !
I am a blind guy who writes in poetry !
I am Xsighted and delighted to share my e- book and thoughts with you,
With new  rhyming jokes and stories almost  each day,  brand spanking new !
I write Business,Christian inspiration,and funny stuff, my latest e-book KUNTRY KORN is loaded with humorous stories, sho enough !
Here is a sample of this blind man’s wit,  direct from my e-book,my  Kuntry Korn hit !

THE FUNERAL !    by  Xsighted
It was Saturday night, time to bathe,
It was cold outside but I was feeling brave !
Once a week you got to do this down on the farm,
I went and got my tub out of the barn !
I was heating some water on the coal stove,
When a fancy car up my lane it drove !
It was Pastor  Bill, coming  for some white lightning ,
Fresh and strong  right out of my still !
Howdy thar Pastor, how is GOD’S business today,
He looked at me and could only say,
We all got to straighten up and continue to pray !
Halla Loo Ya and amen came out of his mouth,
With a twang, and a slur, he was from the south.
So we sat down at the kitchen table and had a drink or two,
When he said something , right out of the blue !
Tommy  Brown died today, we are taking up a colledtion,
For his widow Faye !
What happened, I asked ,His reply, it was a stroke, 
On that note,I told him I was broke and started to choke!
Oh, he said you can give me a couple gallons of your,
White lightning corn,  the widow likes to drink a little ,
It will help her weather the storm !
I agreed and handed over 3 gallons of my stuff,
Pastor Bill said that is more than enough !
I went to the funeral held a few days later,
After a couple of nips,I have seen none greater !
The widow Brown started doing  some tricks,
She was doing back flips and splits and dips.
I never realized that Faye was a fantastic roller skater,
A couple weeks from now, I think I will date her ! 

 by Xsighted
Riding down a country road,Going home to my abode,
I saw this flying thing, It looked like a giant wing !
It had landed, As I pulled up into my barnyard,
A creature got out of the ufo,I said  Howdy Pard !
 He beamed,from head to toe, all aglow !
No place to run and hide,No place for me to go !
Thinking I was going daft,I could not move, and loaded
  as I floated, Into his  craft ! I was put on an operating table,
Hooked up to wires and cable ! There were now 3 of them,
Checking me inside and out,I could not move,I could not shout !
One of the Aliens was smiling,As he stuck his finger in my belly button,
And started dialing !  It felt like he was trying to make a long distant call,
He stood about seven and half feet tall !Another one was looking up my nose, 
Another one counted my fingers and toes !The first  one finished,then looked up my  butt,
As the second one, was pushing  on my gut ! I passed some gas, and blew a fart,
They  all fell to the  floor, like I hit them with a poison dart. It also awakened me , I got out of the craft,
And started to flee !  I jumped behind a big oak tree,
The craft flew above me ! Into  the craft I could clearly see,
One of the Aliens was flashing ,His long  middle finger at me !

by Xsighted
Farmer Bass had a rhyming ass!
The ass’s name was Gas.
He got that name from what he would pass !
Gas the Ass definitely had no class !
He would put people down,
 he’d make you frown !
Farmer Bass went to the barn one morning,
 Outside the weather was storming.
As he was milking the cow named Betsy,
Gas the Ass started to talk real testy !
You pull on that utter, like a disabled brother !
Man as a farmer you stink like the pigs,
On your bald head you wear those stupid wigs !
Your wife is as ugly as could be ,
you must be blind as a bat,
Her ugliness, You just don’t see !
Gas was letting his hostility flow,
Rheeming Farmer Bass from his head to his toe !
Man he said your breath smells like horse manure,
For your stupidness there is no cure !
You walk like a one legged lame duck,
When you talk, like a chicken you cluck !
Have I told you lately you suck?
He continued his verbal assault,
You are so dumb, but not your fault,
That’s what happens when,
 a brother marries his sister,
Your Pa should have never have kissed her !
I forgot you  were so fat, you look like a rat !
Farmer Bass continued his chores,
He fed all the animals except for Gas,
He was ready to close the barn doors,
Hey, said Gas, but you forgot to feed me !
That was Gas’s plea !
Farmer Bass turned to him and said I can rhyme too,
I am a very simple man, I only got two words for you !  

HOUND DAWG,        by Xsighted

Down on the ranch , was this farmer named Grady, he was the kind of guy that would love every Lady.
He would try and steal your woman, right in front of you. He was the kind of guy you would not want on your crew !  He was nothing but a hound dawg kind of guy, the kind of person some people wish would die ! He sniff the ground and bark around ! with his big ears  he would hear every sound ! He would snupe around ! One day he tried to put the make on Farmer Grays wife, that was a big mistake,Farmer Gray  was great with  his knife ! He nutered that dawg right then and there, he relieved him of his you know what’s without a care ! Now Grady sounds like a lady, and walks real funny, with his wrist bent, he thinks he is a real cute bunny ! Grady has turned into a cute little lady ! I heard he changed his name  from Grady to Kate, that’s the end of this story,you are now up to date !

The entire book is loaded  with all great stuff, and for those that can’t get enough,
1years membership into my club with a new poem almost every day,  your little membership dues help me and my family survive along life’s way !,
It’s  only $19.95 ! As a bonus for joining my crew, I has a special offer for You ! A Four Great GIFT Certificate  that features a carribean cruise for 2, get ready to sail the ocean so blue! You will also get a $1000 in grocery and $1000 in restaurant savings books to use as you choose !  A bonus gift, right now,for the ones that don’t snooze !  You also get a FREE membership in a special club called club cash cow,with real ways of making money, they will show you how  ! It yours FREE   it’s worth $98 dollars,given FREE by Xsighted to all of his followers !  You get all this for $19.95 for one full year,don’t miss out,if you do,it willmost likely bring you a tear ! Sign up on the website www.clubcashcow, don’t miss out do it right now !

So that is a samples from me, of Xsighted poetry ! They came from my book,giving you a peek, just a little look !